
Christian Science Church

Sunday at 10:30 AM and Wednesday at 7:30 PM

We warmly welcome you to join us for our services. We are a Christian Science church, one of the many branch churches of the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts (also known as the Mother Church). Sunday Sermons consist of the reading of the weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson, which contain selections from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook – Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. In addition to our Sunday service, we also hold a one-hour Wednesday evening testimony meeting, where people share their progress and healings through the practice of Christian Science and applying God’s spiritual laws to their daily lives and challenges.

Church Services

Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist
1238 31st Street, NW
Washington DC 20007

Church: (202) 333-6650 
Reading Room: (202) 333-5573 (see hours in the Reading Room section below)

Sunday Services

10:30 am to 11:30 am

The Sunday Sermon is composed of readings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. These services also include prayer and hymns.

Sunday School

10:30 am to 11:30 am

Our Sunday school is held at the same time as our church services. Younger students learn spiritual lessons from the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Lord’s Prayer. Older students up to the age of 20 discuss issues relevant to their lives, based on the Christian Science Bible Lesson. All students learn to apply truths from the Bible and Science and Health in a practical way in their daily lives. Thoughtful, loving and responsible care for infants and toddlers not yet ready for Sunday School is available.

Wednesday Testimony Meetings

7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

After hearing readings from the Bible and Science and Health to bring spiritual insight to address daily challenges in a practical way, those attending are welcome to share their healing experiences and growth gained through the study of Christian Science.

Thanksgiving Service

10:30 am to 11:30 am

After a Thanksgiving Proclamation, selections from the Bible and Science and Health are read, and then expressions of gratitude for healing, spiritual growth and progress over the past year are offered.

Fifth Church Entrance

I Am Come That They Might Have Life And That They Might Have It More Abundantly - Christ Jesus

Divine Love Always Has Met And Always Will Meet Every Human Need - Mary Baker Eddy


The Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, together serve as the pastor of all Christian Science churches. Sunday church services consist of readings from the Bible and Science and Health.  They are based on the oneness and allness of God, also known as Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Life, Truth, Love. For more information on Christian Science, please visit christianscience.com

Reading Room

Christian Science Reading Room - Interior View

Christian Science Reading Room - Street View

Reading Room

Our Reading Room is a public resource for the community, just a few doors down the street from the church. It’s a quiet place to read and study. You can find the Bible, Science and Health and Christian Science literature to read, borrow or purchase. Also available for purchase are Bible reference materials, biographies of Mary Baker Eddy covering her life and her many healings of others, and illustrated Bible-story books for children. You can also read the international newspaper, the Christian Science Monitor covering national and world events.

An attendant is present to assist you during scheduled hours (listed in the sidebar or below).


1222 31st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007
(202) 333-5573

Reading Room hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 12-3 pm
Saturday: 12-3 pm
In addition to being open from 12-3 pm on Saturdays, we are also open from 10 am to 12 pm as well, but call ahead during 10 am to 12 pm to confirm. If there is no answer, the Reading Room will open at 12pm that day.

Note: The Reading Room is closed on Thanksgiving Day (you are invited to our Thanksgiving service at 10:30 am)

Christian Science Lectures

Are you interested in finding out more about how Christian Science heals? We hold an annual lecture for the community, a talk which is given by a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship – someone who is experienced in how Christian Science heals.  Learn how to make progress in your life by applying God’s universal, spiritual laws through prayer to bring change to your situation for the better, regardless of what illness or difficulty you are facing.  Information about the topic, date and time will be posted here as the time approaches for our annual lecture.

To find out more about Christian Science lectures and other events as well as other Christian Science services and Reading Rooms throughout the DC area, visit ChristianScienceDC.org.

Additional Resources on Christian Science


To learn more about how Christian Science heals and read testimonies of those healed, visit ChristianScience.com.

Bible Lesson Online

The Christian Science Bible Lesson weekly is composed of citations from The Bible and Science and Helath by Mary Baker Eddy and is available here: The Chrisitan Science Bible Lesson Online.

Mother Church Services Online

The Mother Church Sunday Services and Wednesday Testimony Meetings can be heard online – Listen live or replay here.


Sentinel Watch is a weekly podcast produced by the Christian Science Sentinel that discusses prayer, healing and other topics of concern in your life and the community. Listen online or download. Find out more. You can also listen 24 hours a day by calling (202) 658-7855 and selecting The Sentinel (in English) or El Heraldo (in Spanish).


The First, Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston (also known as The Mother Church) publishes articles that supplement the study of the Bible and Science and Health and include testimonies of healing. They are The Christian Science Journal (monthly), The Christian Science Sentinel (weekly), and The Herald of Christian Science (articles in Spanish, French, German and other languages). Free shareable articles on a Christian Science approach to various topics can be found online at jsh.christianscience.com. It also includes a subscription option that has a searchable archive of past articles and pamphlets, as well as podcasts.

DC Local Events, Church Services and Resources

To find out more about Christian Science church services, Reading Rooms, lectures/talks and other events throughout the DC area, visit ChristianScienceDC.org.


Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist
1238 31st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007
(202) 333-6650

Reading Room: (202) 333-5573 (see hours in the Reading Room section above)



– By check can be made to:
Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist
1238 31st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007

– Using Venmo app – send to @csgeorgetown

– For one-time or recurring credit card donations, please email our clerk your phone number at 5thchurchdc@gmail.com to receive a callback.

We are grateful for all donations.


Free street parking is available all-day on Sundays. For our Sunday service only, free parking is also available at The Old Stone House Parking lot on M Street between 30th and 31st Streets with a parking pass; you will need to stop-by the church prior to the service to obtain a parking pass from an usher. The parking pass expires 15 minutes after the end of the service. On Wednesdays, free street parking is available with a 2-hour time limit that applies until 9 pm.